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Performance Management System

Performance Management System (PMS) is a method employed by an organization to assess and improve the performance of its employees. It involves setting individual goals, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and identifying areas for improvement. The aim is to ensure that employees are working at their optimum level and contributing effectively to the success of the organization. 

Types Of

Performance Management

Traditional Performance Management Systems

These systems typically involve annual or bi-annual performance reviews, which focus on evaluating an employee’s performance over a specific time period. They often involve top-down goal setting and performance ratings.

Continuous Feedback Systems

These systems encourage regular feedback and communication between employees and managers throughout the year. They prioritize ongoing conversation and coaching, rather than relying solely on a formal review process

360-Degree Feedback Systems

These systems involve gathering feedback from various sources, including the employee’s peers, subordinates, and managers. This approach provides a more comprehensive view of an employee’s performance by incorporating perspectives from multiple stakeholders

Goal-Oriented Systems

These systems focus on setting and achieving specific performance goals. Both managers and employees collaborate to establish measurable objectives and track progress towards those goals regularly

Behaviour-Based Systems

These systems evaluate performance based on specific behaviours and competencies needed for success in a job role. This approach emphasizes the demonstration of desired behaviours rather than solely focusing on outcome-based metrics

Rating-less Systems

These systems do away with traditional performance ratings and instead focus on ongoing feedback and coaching. Rating-less systems aim to promote a growth mindset and prioritize development over evaluation

Performance Appraisal Software Systems

These systems utilize technology platforms to streamline and automate performance management processes. They often include features such as goal setting, feedback collection, performance tracking, and reporting

why PMS fails / redundant in any organisations

It’s worth noting that different organizations may use a combination of these systems or develop their own unique approaches tailored to their specific needs and organizational culture.  We at Nass Talent offer our professional services in this area to design a meaningful, result oriented and effective PMS well suited to the client’s flow of business.  Our services include end-to-end solutions as far as PMS is concerned including providing the required Software tools for the purpose.

We are not a mere consulting firm or a software provider.  Our services combine both and hence it gives client an added advantage of not having burden of investing on consulting and technology separately apart from struggling to align these two.

Professional Design  +  In-house customised Software + Continuous Process Service = Successful PMS cycle

Start-ups, SMEs: Being a start-up, or a small scale industry, they may not have sufficient budget to have in house professional HR team for their operations.  They need not have to compromise their aspirations, rather they can effectively outsource these services to companies like Nass Talent.

Family businesses: Family businesses where the group has different lines of business and monitoring each becomes a struggle that requires time and effort. Through our services this difficulty is eliminated.  Nass Talent PMS outsourcing services gives them a leverage to consolidate and have a precise progression map real time through a single window.

Established business and large corporates: Often established businesses and large corporates has challenges in implementing PMS.

  1. Understanding Client’s business environment
  2. Help them to arrive at strategic SMART goals.
  3. Arrive at Departmental and individual’s KPIs / KRAs
  4. Documenting the same and sign-off with leadership team
  5. Data transfer to Nass Talent PMS software.
  6. Providing individuals under PMS login credentials to monitor, update and interact.
  7. Weekly / monthly reminders to group for updates
  8. Present real-time updates with management dash boards with glows and grows on a scheduled time period.
  9. Prepare the year end analysis post appraisal.
  10. Continue for the next year, if client requires.
  1.  Access to professional knowledge / advisory services on sensitive areas of HRM
  2. Easy plug and play approach
  3. End-to-end, turnkey solutions for Performance Management System.
  4. No hassles of internal bias in any form
  5. Cutting edge focus on goals, performance and achievement
  6. Dashboard services on time and no compromise on data.
  7. Stay away from manipulations and non aligned data.
  8. Cost effective but valuable and vital service for organisation’s growth.

Our Area of Specialisation :

NT Balanced Score Card – Classic

NT Balanced Score Card – Classic is the traditional score card system with four components namely Finance, Customer, Internal Process and Learning / people development.  Most of the start up firms and mid sized firms globally have consistently seen success by implementing this framework.  Nass Talent enables organisations to effectively design, implement, monitor progress periodically and complete annual cycle without any hassles


NT Balanced Score Card – Sustainability Embedded (SBSC)

Sustainability enabled BSC (SBSC) offers the fifth dimension apart from the four that is available in the classic version.  Under this version, Sustainability is carefully embedded and interlinked with all the four components of the classic version.  SBSC is becoming popular due to the advantages that corporates realise due to its effective implementation.  It serves dual purpose of achieving the targets and earning reputation for its sustainability efforts.

One of the much cited research article by Epstein and Wisner [2001] mentions about the payoffs from using SBSC such as improved sustainability performance, increased employee satisfaction, decreased operational and administrative costs and an enhanced corporate image and reputation.

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