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Services / Performance Management System


Performance Management System

Performance Management System (PMS) is an process of an organization to assess and improve the performance of its employees. It involves setting individual goals, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and identifying areas for improvement. The aim is to ensure that employees are working at their optimum level and contributing effectively to the success of the organization.


What do we do?

We faclitate the whole PMS process as a third party in foll areas:

  1. Designing PMS based on BSC / OKR / MBO methodology
  2. Facilitating the whole process right from goal setting to Final review
  3. Capturing periodical data, provide dashboard to mgt and preserve records.
  4. Providing feedback analysis / insights for goal attainment.

Why Nass Talent ?

  • Access to professional approach while execution and related communication

  • Growth based perspectives

  • Free and open communication of bottlenecks for early intervention

  • Grievances / discipline issues managed unbiased

  • Employee friendly approach and hence no burnouts.

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