Workplace Research

Nass Talent
Workplace Research
Nass Talent is equipped with like minded researchers in the field of Human Resources, who undertake academic and professional research activities for publication and create awareness of social and business concerns.
We are specialised in organisational or workplace research wherein we identify organisation’s people issues that are to be addressed with the aim of improving our value added services like productivity improvement, satisfaction enhancement, foster proper work engagement.

Our research community also conducts regular surveys and qualitative studies in the field of corporate social responsibility, ethics in business, strategic management, labour economics to name a few.
All our research publication will appear in our in house developed e – magazine, NT-FLASH, the only magazine in the region focusing on people and talent.
To have insights about our research topics and gain more knowledge on the subjects, kindly visit our website or subscribe to NT-FLASH (E-Magazine of Nass Talent Management & Studies LLC).